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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

Suarez (25)

ie Sir Thor >> jueves junio 26 - 14:07
So, what do you think of all of this? It's his third bite, his umpteen controversy. Will he ever change?

I think he's a disgrace to football. The next generation of footballers will be growing up watching this? Don't they already have enough corrupting images with all the diving and foul play nowadays, without seeing cannabal footballers?

He just got a four month ban and a 9 game suspension. Is that enough?
ie Sir Thor
it Echo >> jueves junio 26 - 14:37
Not enough imo.
How many other players he has to bite before being stopped for 1 year (or more)?
it Echo
tr Mavi >> jueves junio 26 - 14:38
u kidding right? 'just 4 month'. that makes apx. 10 league games + 4 CL games for liverpool. in that period he can't even train with the team! what do u want more ? ban for life? his behavior is unacceptable yes, but he never injured anybody.

some people is intentionally kicking others, breaking their legs breaking their ankles. getting red card and 4-6 match bans. btw other player will be injured for one year, and maybe never recover %100 and never get back to his peak.

I think this decision of fifa, is classic show off. thank to english and italian media.
tr Mavi
ie Sir Thor >> jueves junio 26 - 14:41, Editado jueves junio 26 - 14:42
How bizarre. He bit someone. He didn't go for the ball, he didn't do it by mistake, he didn't kick out in frustration. He. Bit. Someone.

For the third time. That's insane. A four month ban? That starts right now? The premier league doesn't start for over a month! No, it is no where near enough. Not even close. If it was the first time, or the second time, but it's the third time he's bit someone. There's been a lot of other foul play AND racism too. Four months isn't enough.
ie Sir Thor
in Arko >> jueves junio 26 - 14:51
what do we learn from this=>
recently some british tourists was charged £54 for a ice cream in,biting a italian ice cream charges u £54 but biting a italian player charges u €82,000... :-)
in Arko
in Mohun Bagan
be Ralph >> jueves junio 26 - 15:56
Pull all his teeth without anesthesia, i bet he'll never bite anyone ever again :D
be Ralph
tr Mavi >> jueves junio 26 - 16:04
He never get red card in last 5 season because ther were no foul plays. some divings and yes racism. He has banned for racism, it was 8 games ban i think. He is banned for other biting occasions too, so what do you want now? acumulate all incidents and ban him for life?

you guys will remember when totti kicks balotelli's tendon intentionally because roma lost the game. he is only banned for 4 games.
tr Mavi
ie Sir Thor >> jueves junio 26 - 16:12
So it is okay to bite people because other people didn't get long bans for kicking people?
ie Sir Thor
tr Mavi >> jueves junio 26 - 16:14
Where did i said 'ok' ?
tr Mavi
ie Sir Thor >> jueves junio 26 - 16:15
You used another case as a precedent, you implied it.
ie Sir Thor
tr Mavi >> jueves junio 26 - 16:19
No, you have no idea what you're talking about. I suggest you to read all from start. For his bahaviour i said it is 'unacceptable'. For fifa ban, i compared the incident with other violence attempts and actually in other violence attempts other player got injured or had great chance to get injured.
tr Mavi
ie Sir Thor >> jueves junio 26 - 16:20
No, you used a different case entirely as a precedent for your own opinion, ie: implying varying punishments.
ie Sir Thor
tr Mavi >> jueves junio 26 - 16:23
You have completely different understanding of english i suppose.
tr Mavi
ie Sir Thor >> jueves junio 26 - 16:24
Considering I majored in English in two different universities, IN England, I'm quite please that my understanding of English is different from yours.
ie Sir Thor