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Inglés >> Preguntas

Youth Players - two games? (4)

ch Glasi >> lunes julio 22 - 08:37


Can u21 players play twice a game day, one game for the u21 team and once for the main squad?

ch Glasi
hr Kupus >> lunes julio 22 - 08:42


hr Kupus
Administrador del Foro
de Regnum Croatorum
eng Stephen >> lunes julio 22 - 09:50

Yes, but they will get more tired if you play them in more than one game a day. Your Health Centre can help to reduce fatigue and the risk of injuries.

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
ee Balthazor >> martes julio 23 - 05:24

Young players have usually better endurance than older players, so for them is 2 matches maybe easier. If young player is good enough for first team, it's better to play in u21 league weaker or newer players to get more experience points. In u21 cup I play best lineup in close matches. When I'm clearly stronger or weaker, I rotate more players.

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn