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英語 >> 問題

Dirty +correct (8)

us Xandy >> 週一 七月 26 - 16:15

Does training Correct get rid of the Dirty attribute or does it just mitigate the effects I.e. reduce the number of cards he gets?

I assume the latter but reading the  forums made me wonder if Patriotic Loyal Resilient Fit Popular and Dirty John Doe after training "Correct" might end up vanilla:Patriotic Loyal Resilient Fit Popular and Correct John Doe

us Xandy
us Plano happyfeet
us cdowne >> 週一 七月 26 - 16:29

Correct eliminates dirty.  

this guy was born dirty:


us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
eng Stephen >> 週一 七月 26 - 17:54


Confirms what @cdowne has said

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
us Xandy >> 週一 七月 26 - 21:26

Thank you guys

Do you train Correct for a Dirty attacking player(like Justin Sanders)because Dirty results in more cards for the player? 

us Xandy
us Plano happyfeet
il Numpty >> 週一 七月 26 - 21:28, 新編輯 週一 七月 26 - 21:34

Nope. Dirty is good to have on your forwards because they draw more fouls which gives you a few penalties and free kick opportunities. 

If he's a midfielder then he's better off without it. Attacking midfielders maybe 50/50 if he always play near the forwards.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us cdowne >> 週二 七月 27 - 00:26

I trained correct because Sanders was getting too many cards. He was suspended for a couple of big games and I decided that having him available was more important than the few extra goals we scored from free kicks. 

I typically play hard tackles which leads to more cards for midfielders. So, a dirty midfielder plus hard tackles is not a great combination.  

us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
eng Stephen >> 週二 七月 27 - 07:25

Personally, I think 'dirty' is one of the worst traits in the game. I'm yet to be convinced they actually draw any more fouls, even when you give that player some duelling and shielding. Though I accept when they are fouled the opponent is more likely to get a card.

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
us Xandy >> 週二 七月 27 - 20:57, 新編輯 週二 七月 27 - 20:58

My Dirty AM did not seem to draw a lot of fouls either ( he almost did nothing )but it was probably  because he was a peewee-league-back-of-the-bench player playing 90 Min per game in a High School league. 

Thanks y'all This information will help if my team has a good-enough- for-the-league Dirty player in the future.

us Xandy
us Plano happyfeet