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#SaveTheGame (433)

hr Gorica >> 星期二 六月 23 - 20:30, 已编辑 星期二 六月 23 - 20:49

Good job for Kupus for sharing the info told on admin forum by Sjoerd Hemminga. If he did not pass it by, I would. 

I think this is a very little step forward, but on the other hand cancellation of WC is a big step back. Decision to sell the game is solely on the owners, we cant have a say in that matter but what we can is search for answers and ways to make this game better. We have every right to do so.

Numpty, I can only agree with arguements specta has given you. "Major bugs will probably be fixed at some point...", issue with WC was a major bug reported approximately a month ago. It was fixed by cancelling a big tournament for the first time in game history. "Minor changes are possible. Maybe!" That is a very big maybe.

So as I said our goal here is not to argue, divide or make camps. Goal is to make this great game better for everyone and resolve this situation in which we are only going down. Is it more fun to play in national community of 10 players or 150? First of all we need normal and open communication with developers and we do not have that for a very long time. That is the main issue. If they gave an announcement and said look guys, times are hard give us time or something like there wont be any improvements in the near future. Everyone would accept it including myself. But this kind of behaviour is extremely disrespectful towards vips, non vips, admins, everyone.

We are Rocking Soccer, each one of us. Every single player makes it an amazing game and with each player that leaves it, it is less and less amazing.

hr Gorica
hr HNK Square Dubrovnik
il Numpty >> 星期二 六月 23 - 21:08, 已编辑 星期二 六月 23 - 21:11

Please don't shoot the messenger. 

I've simply tried to summarise where I think we are for the sake of clarity. It doesn't mean that I am personally happy with the situation. 

If you disagree with my summary that's fine, please propose an alternative wording and I'm willing to change it.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Kezza >> 星期二 六月 23 - 22:07, 已编辑 星期二 六月 23 - 22:08

Kupus/Gorica thanks for sharing

Did anyone from the admin team ask what has happend to Vincent and why he has/will not be around?

Also when he will be coming back full time?

eng Kezza
hr Kupus >> 星期三 六月 24 - 00:21

The thing is, the devs never said the opposite.

The whole notion of a dying game or fear of turning off the server is completely created by some users stating their fear in the forums, never by devs. Why should the devs then have to deny it?

I just shared a small comments that was made in the admin forum to balance the talk and hopefully once for all calm down the speculations.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
in Keju >> 星期三 六月 24 - 05:35

"I just shared a small comments that was made in the admin forum to balance the talk and hopefully once for all calm down the speculations."

There is an admin forum?Let us view it pleeeaaase.Just spectating no posting

I know this is very unlikley but worth a shot

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
ro Raderian >> 星期三 六月 24 - 06:36, 已编辑 星期三 六月 24 - 06:40

@Kupus: the problem is, I've seen this before with many other games.

First, devs stop developing/improving the game. They've got involved in other projects, tests did not go as expected and they need more time, etc. Usually this is the excuse.

Then they stop communicating. I don't know if it's the guilt, a way of letting go or they just don't care. Or a mix of all three.

Last stage, they either abbandon or shut down the game.

So I do think our concern is legit since the devs do not say anything officially for more than 2 years now. Even if you stop developing for any reason, you don't abbandon the community if you trully want to keep the game alive. Because it's the community that is actually giving you the revenues to keep the game alive.

ro Raderian
ro Dragon Riders
nl Counter_Culture >> 星期三 六月 24 - 06:45

Agree 100 percent Raderian. 

nl Counter_Culture
hr Kupus >> 星期三 六月 24 - 08:11


I agree with you to some extent. That is also why I bothered to share the information. 

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
eng Dragontao >> 星期三 六月 24 - 09:59

No one is questioning you Kupus, your post and the information was appreciated. I think the point being made is that it's not something you should have had to do.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
hr Kupus >> 星期三 六月 24 - 11:17


Your point is probably someting that most users agree on. In fact, we are disucussing that in the admin forum as well. But good news are good news independently of how they come.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
hr agent47 >> 星期三 六月 24 - 21:38

I agree with Raderian.. But, hopefully this won't happen to RS...

Even if devs don't continue to develop the game, at least keep it as it is, without bugs, or without fixing bugs a month or so after the community reported it... This cancellation of World Cup is a big blow and disappointment, hopefully it is the last one...

hr agent47
hr Rofl Team
tr TT >> 星期四 六月 25 - 00:26

They sold charazay and what happened It died. Never sell the game! It is very good right now. Yes It is hard and takes years to success.  I play for 6-7 years only this last year things started to get better and this is awesome. Never sell it, minor bug fixes and every 6 month a new introduction of a thing would be nice. Update I mean.

Other than that, best browser game ever.


Peace and love 

tr TT
eng Notorious Gods
hr agent47 >> 星期四 六月 25 - 05:31

@TT, ah Charazay :( That was a good game, only it was slow, but other than that, beautiful game... such a shame...

hr agent47
hr Rofl Team
ua Kalle >> 星期四 六月 25 - 06:42

Charazay, played it years ago. Was a fun game

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
ro RSM >> 星期四 六月 25 - 10:21

To people wishing the game to be sold, did you take into account the fact that it is almost certain that anyone buying it will take every step necessary to get their money back as soon as possible? Investors are not donors.
Would you still love a more or less aggresive pay to win Rocking Soccer?

The online manager games market is shrinking, less and less people have the patience to start such a journey. To a certain degree I understand where the developers are at the moment.

ro RSM
ro RS FC