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The Chronicles of Davo (63)

il Numpty >> 星期二 八月 15 - 21:57

I'm not entirely sure how to word this. 

But congrats to @Davo as his team were so strong they managed to win the Australian league in his absence and without any further training. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Kalle >> 星期三 八月 16 - 10:00

I just saw this thread for the first time... awfull! I pmed with Davo a few times about transfers ect.

From the looks of it, it seems no news isn't good news.

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
il Numpty >> 星期三 八月 16 - 17:41

Indeed not. 

When we have no news for a long time we can never be sure when is the right time to pay our respects. There's never really a good time, but it's been around a season since @Davo last logged in so I thought I would share what little I know. It's also difficult to find exactly the right words so I'll just be straightforward. As you will see it now seems very likely that @Davo has either passed away or is very near the end. I do hope that I'm wrong. 

@Davo started this thread about 18 months ago and I had a few chats with him. He told me a little about his illness but he never went into much detail and I didn't wish to pry so we mostly chatted about the game and other stuff. This is all from memory but I believe that it's accurate.

This is the entirety of his first post:

  • Hello fellow managers,
  • I received a hugely distressing piece of personal news today. After suffering a complete failure of the use of my right arm, I have just been diagnosed with brain cancer. There is no estimate of how long I have got left yet, as I need a biopsy to determine the precise type of cancer. Hopefully it will be a reasonable length of time, but I will keep playing until the end.
  • I guess it will be apparent when that it has beaten me when I leave and never return. Hopefully I still have plenty of seasons in me, but I have no idea really.  

The illness

So the initial symptoms were physical disablement and he didn't know what the cancer was.

Over the course of the last 18 months the symptoms have worsened but he never went into any detail. After further tests he was diagnosed with a glioblastoma. You can look this up on wiki here:


This is a summary of the wikipedia page.

Glioblastoma is the most aggressive and most common type of cancer that originates in the brain, and has very poor prognosis for survival. Glioblastomas usually form in the cerebral white matter, grow quickly, and can become very large before producing symptoms. Initial signs and symptoms of glioblastoma are nonspecific and may include headaches, personality changes, nausea, and symptoms similar to those of a stroke. Symptoms often worsen rapidly. The cause of most cases of glioblastoma is not known. There is no known method of preventing the cancer.

Treatment usually involves surgery, after which chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used. Removal of the tumor is linked to increased survival, but only by some months. Despite maximum treatment, the cancer almost always recurs. The typical duration of survival following diagnosis is 10–13 months, with fewer than 5–10% of people surviving longer than five years. The average age at diagnosis is 64, and the disease occurs more commonly in males than females.

I don't have the details about any treatment that he's had but I believe that it was mostly palliative. (Relieves symptoms without treating the condiditon.) 


As far as I recall @Davo was originally from the North East of England and settled in Australia many years ago. I don't know his exact age but I would guess that he's probably in his 50s or very early 60s. He has a wife and I think he has 2 grown up children, one of each, but I'm not entirely sure about that.  Perhaps others know more than me. If so, please share your memories. 

@Davo was a valued part of the RS community and will be missed.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Dragontao >> 星期四 八月 17 - 12:45

Thanks Numpty. It's very sad.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ch UFRAspieler >> 星期四 八月 17 - 17:37, 已编辑 星期四 八月 17 - 17:55

Thanks for the update Numpty. Sad news. :(

ch UFRAspieler
de United Friends of RA
eng Monk >> 星期四 八月 17 - 20:21, 已编辑 星期四 八月 17 - 20:22

Lovely post Numpty.

Words at this time are little comfort. He was one of the ones who came over from the Sunday League game on mass. In total I've played with him online for almost twenty years now. In all that time every single one of his posts were sensible and well thought through. Although I never met him, I somehow miss him not being here on this game. He was, I guess, very much one of us, an online football gamer who enjoyed the challenge of the match engine.

Although there is little consolation at moments like this, I do hope the admins find a way to keep the name of the club as Real Kellyville as a tribute. I heard a very reliable rumour that the Real Kellyville fans have had a whip round and have raised the cash for a statue of Davo to be erected outside the Real Kellyville ground in his memory. The statue will be of Davo holding the Asian League trophy that he won in season 66; his finest moment. A fitting tribute to a great rockingsoccer manager and I'm sure that he would have liked that.

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
ro Amiral Auris >> 星期天 八月 20 - 15:16

I don't know what to say... I read this topic a long time ago and I hoped I will quit the game before the sad news...

Rest in peace, dear friend!

ro Amiral Auris
ro Chindia Târgovişte
ee Balthazor >> 星期六 十月 7 - 18:32

And Real Kellyville has gone :(

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
il Numpty >> 星期六 十月 7 - 19:36

So very sad. He also won the league and cup double (again) despite not signing in for 2 whole seasons. 

Real Kellyville


It's in the top 50 so no-one can take it for now. I wonder if it's possible for Admin to lock it in some way. I would really hate to see a jumper take over and trash it.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
wal Paul H >> 星期六 十月 7 - 22:08

Very sad news Davo is the reason I am playing RS 

wal Paul H
au The Red Dragon
cn DuLin >> 星期天 十月 8 - 00:44

I'm sorry to hear this news, but I hope football can accompany Davo.

cn DuLin
cm FC Mounana
il דוד >> 星期天 十月 8 - 11:40

I have tears in my eyes reading this post! It hurts very very much!

il דוד
hr The best team
pii >> 星期天 十月 8 - 16:19
Sad very sad.
I wonder why life is not eternity.
Its sad even more when he knew that his life was about to come to an end.
eng munkeespuzz >> 星期一 十月 9 - 17:39

Davo was a lgend on Sundayleague back in the days. Very upsetting news. 

eng munkeespuzz
au Corinthian Clowns
ca Alex Seymour >> 星期二 十月 10 - 20:11

Davo is the reason I'm over here from Sunday League. This is very sad.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC