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Not Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (9257)

eng Tsar >> 星期二 四月 30 - 20:20

They're poor

eng Tsar
eng World Rulers
il Numpty >> 星期二 四月 30 - 20:31

Lol, I don't think I've seen that before. 

One club - probably 'Michael Jackson' - has a big debt that is bigger than the combined balance of all the other clubs. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> 星期二 四月 30 - 22:23

There are all top3 clubs in Disastrous but yes probably Michael Jackson is the main debt as they collected all good players from market and always got who they wanted. Team was full of supertalents and their wages were billions but didn't want to sell them when reached into red as team was still winning trophies. So players get old and worthless and he has nothing good to sell. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ng 11:45 >> 星期三 五月 1 - 04:11, 已编辑 星期三 五月 1 - 04:12

This is really bad, and the new age factor rule came in at a critical time. It will take time for the league finace balance to revive.

ng 11:45
my MPL Elite Team
eng Stephen >> 星期三 五月 1 - 08:27

Depending on how bad the debt is, it may never recover if his interest payments on the debt are beyond what he can raise in income.

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> 星期三 五月 1 - 09:45

Meanwhile they continue to rob the game by winning all the major trophies while simultaneously robbing the bank - which continues to bail them out with massive unsecured loans that will never be repaid. 

In real life that would cause the collapse of the banks who loaned the money. 

You can be sure that Rocking Soccer is so true to real life. 

Eventually, of course, the manager will have to quit laughing at how he scammed the game and clutching his haul of trophies. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ng 11:45 >> 星期四 五月 2 - 06:06

You know that you will be selling your player and you tag a huge price on him in the transfer market hoping to get an insane offer.

I call this an abnormal behavior.

ng 11:45
my MPL Elite Team
eng piran'a >> 星期五 五月 3 - 14:03, 已编辑 星期五 五月 3 - 14:04

I  looked at the end of the season standings and knew demotion for the most part depends on whether the team we will be matched up against wants to promote. all the frustration of having lost points in league through cards/injuries to players without backups disappeared

eng piran'a
eng Chichester City
eng Tsar >> 星期二 五月 7 - 20:15, 已编辑 星期二 五月 7 - 20:16

What's better than a big stadium? 

A Bigger stadium! 

Finally got my 200k seater done! Took a while but, it's done now! 

eng Tsar
eng World Rulers
no Arturs >> 星期四 五月 9 - 11:30, 已编辑 星期四 五月 9 - 11:34

Nice one, Tsar!

I done my in March, if I am not mistaken. Maybe February. Now going for that 13/13

P. S.

Finances sometimes will be hard to manage, but it is what it is. That is a price many gms are forced to pay just because game invented 16/16 system. I spend years to build this club from 3rd league. My team is made only from my players and my own ST. In order to keep my salaries low, I don't overdo my player's training.

no Arturs
jp Rusengo
il Numpty >> 星期四 五月 9 - 11:43

It was February 29 @Arturs.

I think we can let that pass as March. :D 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
no Arturs >> 星期四 五月 9 - 19:30

Yeah, for sure.

I think, there would be less and less crazy transfers, because many clubs are average in finances. For me, one transfer where I spend max player value will leave me broke. I would need 2-3 seasons to recover.

no Arturs
jp Rusengo
no Arturs >> 星期五 五月 10 - 09:36, 已编辑 星期五 五月 10 - 09:37

One more thing - I made youth academy 13 happen just because during next 3-4 seasons my next ST arrives. As I finish it this season, I get minor setback, but I want my ST to be GK, so it will benefit me more. And 5 players instead of 6 per two seasons doesn't affect my team much in a long run.

no Arturs
jp Rusengo
ng 11:45 >> 星期四 五月 16 - 11:27


Even the museum that generates income to the team is being downgraded as well.

A huge debt indeed.

ng 11:45
my MPL Elite Team