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Inglés >> Debate general

Stats on facebook (14)

nl Vincent de Boer >> viernes julio 5 - 08:59
During the break between the seasons we'll post some fun stats on our facebook page. Every day we'll post one list with the strongest teams, the most expensive transfers etc.

Today it's the top 10 most expensive teams:
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
hr Jura >> viernes julio 5 - 09:20
This is nice, like a news :)
hr Jura
cn 安妮 >> viernes julio 5 - 10:52
9. ANNITA (China, level 3.1 nr 1)

I'm in Level 2 now:)
cn 安妮
nl Danh >> viernes julio 5 - 11:07
Break what break the season is not finished yet.
well I think I got to get Facebook again.
nl Danh
sco Scotland1983 >> sábado julio 6 - 21:50, Editado sábado julio 6 - 22:16
yess I am number 8 in youngest main squad this is great to see and after I sell off my oldest players and a 23 year old to leave just 2 over 21s for next season I may have a average age under 20 too I may be able to sell off all over 21s and still do well domestically I will have a lot of international players this season anyway:3
sco Scotland1983
nl Corniel >> domingo julio 7 - 14:19
I was pleased to see, that even two of my youngsters made it to this list: 3rd and 9th place. :)
nl Corniel
hu Zsone >> lunes julio 8 - 11:52
it says 4 of us have youth level 7. i am one of them,wondering who the other 3 are? :)
hu Zsone
sco Scotland1983 >> lunes julio 8 - 11:59
ah not sure but I have 1 and a half millions pounds just now a soon as one more transfer is done in not many hours I will start building my lv 7 one and be the 5th one to have lv 7 of it:)
sco Scotland1983
de niklas17 >> lunes julio 8 - 12:03
stadium and fanshop from germany are here ;-)
de niklas17
nl Vincent de Boer >> lunes julio 8 - 12:03
I'm another one of those 4. It's still under construction for 15 days though.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
nz Tiety Kooistra >> lunes julio 8 - 12:06
Planning to build youth 7 in about a week have my funds ready but waiting on trainer 6 to finish first in 5 days.
nz Tiety Kooistra
sk mat4 >> lunes julio 8 - 12:10
How come the highest level of Stadium is 4 and the highest level of catering is 5?
sk mat4
nl Corniel >> lunes julio 8 - 12:16
My Youth center level 7 is just 13 days away. :)
nl Corniel
il joest5 >> lunes julio 8 - 12:51
And my youth center level 7 is 12 days away
il joest5