Liga de Canadá temporada 19 [3.1]

Foro: Foro de la liga rss-feed

Debate acerca de tu liga: ¿Quiénes son los favoritos para ganar la liga esta temporada? ¿Quién jugará la promoción o descenderá? ¿Cómo te irá en la copa?

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New (or under about 6 months in experience) to the Game? Need Help? (1)

ca Sadrudin >> martes abril 4 - 21:45
Similar to Jax's post on the League of Canada 2 forum, this is a post for Canadian League mentoring. Though since I'm still not super experienced at this game (at the time that I've posted this), this is a post for anyone who is somewhat new to this game (or under about 6 months in experience). So if you need help, feel free to ask me (by a message), or anyone else who is decently experienced at this game. Keep in mind their is also a questions section in the forum, so you can ask there too.

I hope you enjoy the game, and good luck!


ca Sadrudin