丹麦联赛 第33赛季

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Season 19 ENG (33)

dk Kaiser Franz >> 星期四 十月 8 - 15:36
Thanks MAT!

I need a miracle in order to qualify for CL (I will probably have great difficulties with EL).

NB. Congrats to Funky with the cup!
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
ro Funky Grandma >> 星期四 十月 15 - 21:12, 已编辑 星期四 十月 15 - 21:53
Sooo happy this forum is alive! (Thanks Kaiser Franz for telling me).

"As for my own team, I just aim to get 1 more point than Funky Grandma at the end of season :-)" (Kaiser Franz). You flatter me :))

Unfortunately I have missed the whole of season 18 and my Assistant Manager was in charge, so I had some catching up to do Season 19. I'm back now and ready to go though!

"Wow. I am really surprised about win against Funky. With my first GK injured didn`t expect that at all." (Roofz) I was really surprized with that match as well! Well done for making it such a tight batle for 2nd spot!

@ Kaiser You have a solid team though. With a bit of luck, you can even fight for the EL :)
ro Funky Grandma
lv Roofz >> 星期五 十月 16 - 16:49, 已编辑 星期五 十月 16 - 16:53
Yeah we did good in this season, but lost second place by not taking 3 points in some games against bit weaker opponents.

Great season by Retards btw, no losses or draws. Hopefully one day we will fight for first place ;D
lv Roofz