尼日利亚联赛 第44赛季 [2]

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season 23 up and running (213)

ng Sonic >> 星期四 四月 14 - 11:44
in f mid-transfrer window.we are having our academy graduation,where some players are either shipped out or promoted.
u are all invited
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng De Don >> 星期四 四月 14 - 12:00
won today, hope it continues.
ng De Don
ng Donfaith fc
where have you been@ de don
I don't understand my form this season... Well I just picked up
My most important event from the last match
Troots with his hattrick...

(38min)Carlier (8) passes to Toots (13) at the last moment who beautifully hits the target.
**Goal 0-1! Roland Toots opens the score for ¤_naija boyz fc_¤! Eugene Carlier gave the assist.

(47min).Aspin (43) receives the ball from Wen (8) and fools the keeper!
Goal 1-1! Gerard Aspin scores the equalizer. The match is in balance again. Fu-Kang Wen gave the assist.

(48min).Toots (13) shows strong nerves when receiving a difficult pass from Nan (16). He perfectly controls the ball and leaves the keeper without a chance!
Goal 1-2! Roland Toots scores and puts ¤_naija boyz fc_¤ in the lead. Jak Nan gave the assist..

(89min).Yellow Nyandoro (5) obstructs Logosarru (20). The referee awards yellow and a penalty! That is a harsh decision!
**. Penalty, Great effort from Yuksel (1)! He stopped the penalty from Aspin (43)!..

(90min)**.Kavanagh (17) delivers a perfect assist to Toots (13) who can't miss!
Goal 1-3! Roland Toots scores and increases the margin for ¤_naija boyz fc_¤. Charles Kavanagh gave the assist.

Too much pressure during the second half..
us JIFT >> 星期五 四月 15 - 12:38
ahahahahahah m laughing my heart out right now ahahahah 4-2 against sonic. From 4-0..I told u I will pull off an upset against u and ur pathetic players...ahaha am just short of words...today is one of my best day in Rs a 7-0 win in d league and a 4-2 win over sonic.

celebration time.
ng Tony pulis >> 星期五 四月 15 - 13:21
HahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Sonic lost with his full strength team rotfl.
ng Tony pulis
ng Sonic >> 星期五 四月 15 - 17:59
I Really dont knw what happen d ME jxt feel like playing with me..even if am gonna lose it shouldnt b up to 4 goals..worst season ever..nd am gonna get relegated for sure
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
the ME is a joke.. I can't score two goals past weak team,or I lose games I shouldn't have, if this continues I will never invest my hard earn money in the game, I might as well quit
ng De Don >> 星期六 四月 16 - 04:48
hahaha, test of time.
ng De Don
ng Donfaith fc
ng De Don >> 星期六 四月 16 - 05:10
@ Don-x, there was a time when I even lost to relegating teanms last season, if you could remember. I lost hope of winning the league. Don't loose hope now.

@Sonic, did you check Jift team out, he has more quality players than you, he is better, so he deserved the win.
ng De Don
ng Donfaith fc
us JIFT >> 星期六 四月 16 - 06:36
Ahahah now someone's talking.technically sonic's better and i thought i was gonna lose cuz i had 3 of mx best df's injured(u can check d players i played) and i bought one of sonic's player last transfer (hunan shiri) he told me all his secret and i worked on it

sonic take heart. i've been paired against (ebonyi angels) i hope london take it easy with me
ng Sonic >> 星期六 四月 16 - 13:24
Jift welldone and well played.kudos to ur players.i underestimated u cus of d way i normally beat u in our friendly matches..u step up ur game and beat me i hope u do d same to london

@don-x what d hell happened against donfaith
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng De Don >> 星期六 四月 16 - 13:52
got a draw from Don-x. A nice game.
ng De Don
ng Donfaith fc
ng Sonic >> 星期天 四月 17 - 06:49
And donfaith pick up another point againt crystal palace
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Sonic >> 星期天 四月 17 - 06:51
As d transfer window looms and d team sitting in a bad position d fans are asking "will d coach strengthen his rquad or improve his facilities?
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc