League of Tunisia season 19 [2]

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1tn Ettadhamen9639306311735
2tn Al-Qayrawan #264391810116460
3tn Siliana6339189126243
4tn Banzart6239188138065
5tn Tunis #56239161496045
6tn Tunis #25439159156165
7tn Sfax #251391312145362
8tn Monastir5139149165062
9tn Monastir #249391213142930
10tn Ettadhamen #249391542083100
11tn Sfax48391115134145
12tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq4839146196480
13tn Al-Muknin303979233062
14tn Halq al-Wadi273976262767