League of Tunisia season 50

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1 tn J A C 4 60 631173939002593
2 tn Tunis 1 7 510639351319520
3 tn Al-Mahdiyah9339303611737
4 tn Zarzis 6 78939292813544
5 tn Sfax #26039186155655
6tn Monastir5239164196081
7tn Siliana4839153215698
8tn Qabis4639144215293
9tn Al-Qasrayn38391222543107
10tn Sfax34391042562116
11tn Al-Muknin34391042546141
12tn FC Bozoum293985261998
13tn Tunis #42839912941165
14tn Halq al-Wadi2239572730113