Mathieu Van Geem: Employment

40be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [4.2]40100
39be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [4.2]150230
38be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [4.2]220040
37be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [4.2]210030
36be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [4.2]210010
35be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [4.2]2600100
34be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [3.1]310071
33be KV Saint-Trondbe League of Belgium [3.2]250040


DateFrom teamTo teamTransfer fee
september 21 2018be KV Saint-TrondNoneRSD879 916