League of Uzbekistan season 31

Goals scored

au W. Salyersuz FK Tashkent #47627
ng Y. Darmankouz FK Tashkent #35129
no M. Omholtuz FK Kokand4024
uz R. Cristuz FK Tashkent #44028
pt T. Grilouz FC Ar-Ramadi3730
mn H. Gansukhuz Sogdiana3430
mn A. Ishkanduz FK Buchara3327
de O. Burmannuz Real Tashkent FC3130
uz L. Messiuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽2730
ng B. Ibarbiauz FK Tashkent #42626


gd R. Segoviauz FK Tashkent #43025
tj B. Ghadimiuz FK Tashkent #32728
ag B. Hivelyuz FK Buchara2526
nu K. Adachiuz FK Kokand2221
uz M. Kumisbekovuz FK Tashkent #42227
ci Y. Seyeuz FC Ar-Ramadi2120
tv N. Nikintsuz FK Tashkent #42024
cn M. Chouuz FK Kokand1924
fi S. Aittomäkiuz FK Tashkent #31928
uz V. Potapenkovuz FK Kokand1821

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
uz R. Balshzadeuz FK Tashkent #42730
lt V. Gecevičiusuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽2330
tt J. Fawnuz FK Tashkent #32030
ms P. Gentuz FC Ar-Ramadi1830
lt R. Smilinskasuz FK Buchara1626
uz M. Narimanovuz FK Kokand1524
de B. Schwarzkopfuz Real Tashkent FC1125
mt C. Fuseliuz Real Tashkent FC1027
eng O. Haskinsuz FK Tashkent #3917
uz B. Rustamovuz FK Kokand910

Number of yellow cards

kz D. Bodritskiyuz FK Ohangaron1326
nu K. Adachiuz FK Kokand1121
be J. Boucheruz FK Chodžejli1126
jp H. Sekozawauz FK Tashkent #231129
mo K. Ou-yanguz Sogdiana1024
pal D. Batrawiuz FK Džizak1022
tm D. Ertegunuz FK Džizak1026
af A. Djauuz FK Charxin924
be C. Fourneauxuz Real Tashkent FC924
tm D. Brozenovuz FK Ohangaron927

Number of red cards

uz M. Hamrakulovuz FK Kokand10
ci Y. Seyeuz FC Ar-Ramadi120
nu K. Adachiuz FK Kokand121
uz M. Blekbaevuz FK Kokand122
gt M. Decordobauz FK Tashkent #4122
uz H. Mammadovuz FK Kokand124
sz S. Chimusasauz FK Buchara127
uz B. Ghimazetdinovuz FK Tashkent #410
sz M. Basinyiuz FC Ar-Ramadi129

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
tj F. Homayounuz FK Namangan #2229
kz N. Boyevuz FK Yangirabot230
af T. Ousaineuz FK Džizak125
be J. Boucheruz FK Chodžejli126
mt C. Fuseliuz Real Tashkent FC127
be L. Bielenuz Real Tashkent FC119
kg T. Umarovuz FK Namangan #2128
gr S. Lefkasuz Sogdiana129
lt V. Gecevičiusuz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽130
tt J. Fawnuz FK Tashkent #3130