European Qualifications season 61

Tournament format

ua Ukraine is qualified directly as host of the final tournament. 15 teams from this tournament also qualify for the final tournament.

Round 1 (Group stage)

  • 54 teams enter the tournament in this round.
  • The teams in this round are divided over 9 groups.
  • playoffs 12 teams advance to the next round.
  • qualified 9 teams in this round qualify for the final tournament.

Round 2 (Knockout stage)

  • qualified 6 teams in this round qualify for the final tournament.

Qualification standings round 2

1qualifiedro Romania16260
2qualifiedgr Greece16253
3qualifiedes Spain14253
4qualifiedbg Bulgaria14232
5qualifiedee Estonia14210
6qualifiedlt Lithuania12211
7ie Republic of Ireland22211
8ge Georgia21223
9hr Croatia21201
10sco Scotland21235
11at Austria20235
12kos Kosovo20206

Qualification standings round 1

1qualifiedde Germany13010253
2qualifiedpl Poland12810379
3qualifiedeng England12810284
4qualifiedit Italy12810297
5qualifiedtr Turkey127104610
6qualifiednl The Netherlands12710296
7qualifiedil Israel12610395
8qualifiedbe Belgium12410339
9qualifiedfr France12110144
10playoffsro Romania223102211
11playoffsgr Greece22210235
12playoffsge Georgia222102916
13playoffssco Scotland22210197
14playoffsbg Bulgaria22110257
15playoffshr Croatia22110225
16playoffsat Austria220101911
17playoffskos Kosovo219103121
18playoffsie Republic of Ireland218101811
19playoffsee Estonia32110225
20playoffslt Lithuania32110189
21playoffses Spain320103112
22sm San Marino319102514
23lv Latvia31710208
24pt Portugal316102818
25by Belarus316101418
26al Albania313102015
27hu Hungary313101620
28dk Denmark41510107
29mk Macedonia413102329
30am Armenia413101526
31si Slovenia412102630
32md Moldova412101319
33rs Serbia411101620
34fi Finland411101121
35ru Russia411101022
36kz Kazakhstan49102436
37fo Faroe Islands511102930
38wal Wales510101421
39mt Malta59101126
40sk Slovakia5810721
41nir Northern Ireland57101019
42cz Czech Republic5510929
43is Iceland5410519
44az Azerbaijan5410320
45ch Switzerland53101131
46li Liechtenstein6410220
47se Sweden6310624
48ad Andorra63101144
49no Norway6210314
50ba Bosnia and Herzegovina6210321
51me Montenegro6210540
52cy Cyprus61101846
53lu Luxembourg6110842
54gib Gibraltar61101149