FC Gore nz

Player statistics

1vu Sanne Tuiahi67732261042
2au Wesley Holcomb6369450045
3nl Michael Kapelaan3767141450029
4nc Marc Hupond6665280031
5jp Nobuyori Ono6558950920016
6bn Ad-Daruquthni Humam8058560353025
7au Malcolm Forester62583201490151
8nc Mourad Miettaux68569342210177
9au Geoffrey Aldcroft775541143490123
10tr Cengiz Gökçe37501946088
11au Nicholas Willows6849461190180
12au Oscar Painter6749070051
13vu Edouwe Nembil7748910032
14vu Titip Barunoma734887410110
15au Will Dunsmore8248200981
16nz Zi-xing Lang7547650071
17ve Imanol Mareque30412871330202
18nl Henk Delincee3238191010
19nz Vladan Pandžić7137925218022
20li Johann Hauch3031140018
21nz Tarik Jozić32301820056
22au Lucas Flowers6029526517014
23nc Gangadhar Mangalvedhe30284841460100
24nz Ralph Webster26262200034
25nz Graham Casey7424727039
26nz Silvijo Pavić272017913019
27nz Nicolò Canonica2619181041
28vu Nikints Andagalimp7516037155045
29au Rick Carnes6915525031
30nz Gerard Tommer2315100282
31nz Gino Albertosi2414323045
32nz Marius Bullooper6813120029
33au Mason Pinker6712139403
34nz Vittore Tosatto6911801028
35nz Paolo Vidak239420017
36vu Tiki Goiba728900360
37vu Korua Tatafu76860001
38nz Fergus Brannan707400020
39nz Job Leeuwenkamp207222206
40my Imdad Zahin28nc Galatasaray CM7051204
41au Otis Bowie70622109
42nz Ardal Morrison284401010
43nz Gilberto Arrieta234414207
44nz Jack Morrissey25427206
45vu Kori Vidiri61402000
46nz Cian Farren633800130
47fr Eloys Mouly68380000
48nc Gaël Cevaer62370050
49nz Chih-hsiung Lau63360060
50vu Wherehiko Mahuika75360002

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.