League of Côte d'Ivoire season 10

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Côte d'Ivoire on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 ci Ivory Coast Revival 1 9 210139332410714
2 ci Lord of the Ring 1 13 14973931449411
3 ci Hacker 15 27 32923929559525
4 ci Grand-Bassam 2 1 36139187144940
5 ci Annan Athletic 25939178143936
6 ci Abidjan #3 2 6 35839184173946
7 ci Daoukro55391510143543
8ci ZMCLWR5439166175459
9ci Katiola3839108212964
10ci Emiri Momota 1333989221752
11ci Kim Koo moon cake323988233061
12ci FeiyouFC3239711212676
13ci Soubré3139613202149
14ci Wolf to death 7 82339411242079