League of Hungary season 74 [4.3]


This is an estimate of the TV-revenue collected so far for this league. No rights can be derived from this preview. The TV revenue is awarded at the end of the season, before the league playoffs start. 240 of 240 matches in this league have been played.

NamePointsEstimated share
1hu Dreamers76RSD11 317 008
2hu Karcsi FC71RSD10 572 468
3hu FC Hatvan62RSD9 232 296
4hu Hegyvidéki Marhák FC48RSD7 147 584
5hu FC Dombóvár #347RSD6 998 676
6hu FC Dombóvár47RSD6 998 676
7hu FC Mosonmagyaróvár #245RSD6 700 860
8hu FC Miskolc #444RSD6 551 952
9hu FC Szeged #943RSD6 403 044
10hu FC Kecskemét #341RSD6 105 228
11hu FC Gyor #639RSD5 807 412
12hu FC Szeged #834RSD5 062 872
13hu FC Salgótarjan #330RSD4 467 240
14hu FC Karcag25RSD3 722 700
15hu FC Mátyásföld18RSD2 680 344
16hu FC Orosháza #25RSD744 540