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Inglés >> Preguntas

corner kick (7)

il h83 >> martes noviembre 20 - 06:47

what do i need to score from corners?

why only the def get passes from corner and not mid or forwards?

is it a good thing to train my def long shoot?

il h83
eng Lee >> martes noviembre 20 - 18:16

Having a tall player would help win headers, and also using 'offensive' for corners under Advanced Settings:

Training long shots on defenders and midfielders is a good idea, as they would then use their dueling or passing for shooting:

Gets a bonus at scoring from outside the penalty area. Can also use passing or dueling instead of scoring for these shots.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
nl Koen >> martes noviembre 20 - 18:21

Everything Lee says is true, that is what you have to do to improve your chances in scoring a goal from corners. I have done so too. Realitycheck: I score one corner every three seasons or something like that. In my opinion corners are not really a part of the game. I hope that the announced ME update reestablishes corners again.

nl Koen
ee Balthazor >> martes noviembre 20 - 19:55

...and once we had times when almost in every match a corner or two was scored, so it was main goal source. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
lv Namejs >> martes noviembre 20 - 21:33

Long shots aren't used in set piece situations where shoot comes as a direct pass from set piece.

lv Namejs
Administrador del Foro
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri
il h83 >> jueves noviembre 22 - 09:30

Namejs, are you sure? how do you know that?

il h83
lv Namejs >> jueves noviembre 22 - 10:32

My memory serves me in strange ways. I remeber there was a discussion about it years ago and Vincent said that special attributes regarding shooting are not included in scoring from set piece pass. Once there was a time where long shot was on all but DCB defenders after this clarification Long Shot defenders dissapeared fore a while.

lv Namejs
Administrador del Foro
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri