Shu-de Pi: Matches

thursday november 7 - 06:24cn Lianyungang4-13cn League of China [6.2]SGoal
friday october 25 - 06:28cn Zhengzhou #42-21cn League of China [6.2]S
tuesday october 8 - 10:25cn Anshan #224-30FriendlyS
monday october 7 - 06:44cn Lanzhou #193-03FriendlyS
sunday october 6 - 13:26cn FC Jiamusi2-43FriendlySGoal
saturday october 5 - 06:17cn FC Shanghai #82-03FriendlyLFGoal
friday october 4 - 11:20cn FC AEi 致敬传奇波尔多!2-21FriendlySGoal
thursday october 3 - 06:33cn 血影冥蝶5-43FriendlyS