Swetes CF ag

Player statistics

1ag Jamie Swift HOF30536941235023
2ag Mardy Crees HOF2952153940024
3af Nabih El Jahani56448221559061
4ag Marlon Pride HOF2947543452024
5tz Mbonisi Kinte352535042106
6ag Jonathan Ebelthite5638426363068
7ag Ferris Smeltser32nl SC Amsterdam #41821734508
8ag Kelvin Speake65418191334042
9ag Isaac Canode644179267021
10pf Obi Puleitu2734218258018
11et Ezedine Tergat4020023235013
12ag Landon Delaney331438421907
13ag Bryan Pleabard351441921604
14ag Robert Macomber31fr G A S891918805
15ag Lance Edman7934125173073
16ag Pete Fauchon6829217172026
17ag Harold Whiter57238116708
18ag Tony Bonamy7428816124033
19ag Pierce Cawley58229410206
20ag Barrie Gatewood70236882021
21ag Douglas Latimer25127207405
22tr Erdem Soygenis603513601
23zm Zenas Driver604023407
24ag Timmy Erlewine23eng Liverpool FC★4963102
25ag Nicholas Clevinger647903105
26pa Basilio Arcides HOF31605168929011
27ag Ricky Bowlby36de WittenStriker2486042405
28ag Leighton McClanahan645212407
29ag Henry Dudding HOF2849313362209
30ag Vincent Mallo423396562204
31cn De-wei Fang6141121012
32no Kolbjørn Sara714112105
33ag Matt Chilvers HOF655136822109
34ag Lee Rous443928942005
35ad Carlo Cimabue HOF5155111202008
36ag Seth Woodger33vi FC Saint John #42315731804
37sn Guillaume Ephrussi25hu Szigor FC Bőőrmingham2723631607
38za Langalibalele Chidziva HOF544958381607
39qa Nassir Ajeddou621921504
40ag Kyle Gruver30cn FC Andy4161403
41ag Kevin Basset643901407
42by Palko Drubich483297491109
43gd Gaspar Pulle603327851106
44nz Bert Jan Govers73208295904
45ag Garreth Scarrow702922429011
46ag Paul Ebelthite76450908
47ag Jack Elliott HOF5147444815
48tl Paea Turagabea27445487012
49mr Mezwar Tahan24304584606
50fo John Davidsen25407516013

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.