Nassau #6 bs

Player statistics

1cu Ronaldo Castan60557572400201
2bm Oliver Ashford66543241530146
3jm Tommy Ruble6939917840126
4ky Edwin Harder7748021770117
5jm Carl Whistler29368200105
6cu Mark Miraya2517832740104
7bs Ewan McCain79434261440103
8sr Archie Hawes33355451670102
9bs Geoffrey Ferrell70532527082
10pw Mahu Semiti702202798073
11bm Edward Ripley32197566066
12bs Lee Bartlett7751830061
13ky Landon Nowell7651880061
14jm Brendan Hartman74591110057
15bs Sebastian Carlile68625130056
16bs Craig Toler35379612055
17cu Aitor Arguell6317828145054
18bs Junior Carner3740740051
19bm Roy Ulman6842670046
20ai Tony Chandler6759311034
21bs Kenneth Kershaw2824012029
22hu Richárd Borsos6367945529023
23bs Cullen Lister2713020021
24cu José María Horta62952248020
25bm Howard Marse6072456538018
26cu Wilfred Janes3443723920017
27bs Curtley Blanchflower2614060015
28pe Guillermo Urtasun633337014
29bm Paul Wilding3339633514012
30bs Brent Clubb58371938012
31bs Collin Hughes253830011
32bs Joseph Hutton3310400011
33jm Ronnie Bowerman333200011
34bs Gareth Stricklin637000011
35bm Euan Kittson69331123010
36cu Esteban Calzadilla403562709
37ca Graham Hubbert72317908
38pe Arnaldo Jovellanos343382007
39bs Johnny Trusler26805206
40bs Rory Chitwood28240006
41bs Bob Halbert221339205
42ky Ricky Dickenson36ma FC Settat #5386205
43bs Sebastian Merrit25340004
44mu Willy Deschamps20mg Ankazobe331004
45bs Keith Parrill30200004
46bs Jeffrey Escue24110003
47bs Hugh Wort27260003
48cl Julen Orgue24cu Neptuni pediludium371003
49bs Edgar Speed64423003
50bs Wesley Snare61210003

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.