EC Santo Andre Utinga br

Player statistics

1ar Ezequiel Babio7744333248085
2br Simão Maior743131101
3ar Fabiano Abbiati66390001
4br Ronaldo Ramires6839143309
5br Éver Odriozola6910600025
6kn Zach Warfield6924810012
7ar Fabricio Vejil74223142504
8hn Amancio Trillayes663937104
9gy Hritik Raychaudhari6414830012
10co Erik Palizo6810513104
11ar Davide Cosmati69298966086
12br Guido Benevides68421007
13br Fausto Freire6520001
14ar Ivo Durandal671371250029
15br Sílvio Capucho7315272208
16ar Alan Machado62380004
17br Tóni Murtinho668511021
18br Cássio Muxagata62334133028
19br Christian Rattini63149229037
20br Camilo Agra603831580075
21br Mauro Cardoso6313671303
22br Miguel Sobral603622000
23br Fernão Sargento66250116055
24br Rogério Linhares60430174075
25uy Arnaldo Corona6511719104
26br Liedson Águeda6350000
27br Shéu Carvalho6550002
28br Humberto Baião6310000
29br Germano Abrunhosa645411004
30br Aníbal Amorim652231781305
31br Shuji Kahae67175869060
32br Herbert Richter5841121720014
33br Aires Pêcego6134521011
34ne Armand Renouard651410007
35br Aloísio Lampreia62292208
36br Damiano Puccini6000003
37br Jair Peralta60110003
38br Gil Barros59344172075
39br Cesário Macedo6200000
40br Romário Arrais66279101
41br Romário Granjeiro6526620019
42br Ramiro Lins599478015
43br Kevin Veliz6120000
44br João Carneiro58170110034
45br Adão Bulhosa6421016101060
46br Fabiano Félix6210100
47br Gonçalo Dimantino5900000
48br Aires Vasconcelos612311341011
49br Tadeu Amorim5730006
50br Ricardo Cachoeira5700006

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.