FC The Farrington #2 ai

Player statistics

1vg Dougie Biggs4451171350013
2cn Min-zhong Mao3344235926014
3au Bill Bridger2837235020018
4nl Michel Minnaar592533381605
5vg Milton Grim604053272409
6de Friederich Molling67306211904
7lt Kristijonas Grybauskas621761941308
8be Roland Loubens26178123707
9by Artur Pirtsev474481900
10ms Fergal Madiga37623763130151
11rs Berislav Aškić5747872451094
12ki Mika Ulta504169201
13bg Slavomir Stanishev33540582650161
14pl Lew Tylman583854201
15tg Olapade Narh494353401
16tl Mihi Finau563753201
17lv Inokentijs Dimants594052200
18tw Dan-zu Jin583945100
19mq Georges Bourdet18be [FS] Nero Di Troia384233014
20cn Yuan Ning443238000
21ht Jean-Pierre Mauduit34486371490172
22aw Simon Brearley583734000
23mq Gerrard Fonteyre612632791055
24lc Gangadutta Vairaja703927100
25lc Callum Ringwood22ar River Plate - San Luis3925201
26ai Jeffrey Courtiour35454241940166
27es Fabio Moure581872418509
28es Saúl Cuaiz33342172035
29dm Harry Garnes7030217115050
30kn Alexander Dearth28293150013
31mx Ernesto Piral64175154023
32it Amud Chafai51329140023
33tv Taglba Maba311213001
34mq Arnaud Lagoutte703091354084
35hk Sean Millett32435123028
36be Valentin Marseille5631121704
37cu Enric Edesa33496111031
38mu Jo-hsi Tsu38184101029
39nl Jannes Volkertszen6469106603
40vc Pierre-Yves Asquebord5193100014
41cn Cheng-gong Sui56371024010
42ve Ander Breceda5838841012
43vi Ethan Blenkinsop2528970019
44kn Lee Pile7242170047
45gp Hugo Ygou6833670050
46gp Claude Carnet714017470103
47br Niccolò D'Elia58228521041
48fr Simeone Boldrini554453004
49us Stephen Falcon6319050017
50ai Vincent Hodge23209430056

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.