EIZ >>
saturday january 30 - 18:30, Edited
saturday january 30 - 18:30 hey guys, do any of you know whether converting a player as soon as he hits 30 will give him the best odds to be really talented and best staff skills, or does it go from 30-37 (best) , 38-xx (average..) and so on?
'The younger you appoint a player as staff, the higher his staff talent will be. A 30 year old player will get a staff talent of at least 6 and at most 10. A 38 year old will get a talent of 4 to 8 and a 50 year old will get a talent of 1 to 5.'
This is how it is written in help file.. not sure whether it means that 30-37 is one bracket, 38-50 is another and then the least favorable odds with 50+.
My main AM just got 30 and also Aru is close to 30 :) - not certain whether I could keep hold of them for a little longer or should I try converting asap.