League of France season 83

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of France on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 fr Olympic Massilia 6 51143838001524
2 fr FC Bayern 13 1 12 710238333213014
3 fr Les Licornes Blanches 2 19 188138256712045
4 fr Le Feu Occulte 2 7 8813825679843
5 fr York City8038262106736
6fr Olympique Strasbourg 4 478382531011167
7fr Jauteam753823697149
8fr Vogesia Holtzheim5838177146456
9fr Mambo Football Club 2 355381510135950
10fr Blue Flower4938147176964
11fr FC lens 624838146186169
12fr Aunis FC4538143214469
13fr Oranges41381252140116
14fr Football Club Cigogneaux4038117204981
15fr An Oriant Da Viken3438972248102
16fr Abel Tasman FC313887233966
17fr Flying Eagles3038792253105
18fr Flying Circus1838533028105
19fr INF clairefontaine163844302694
20fr Breizh Coyotes de Tahiti 21338413341135