League of Sierra Leone season 7

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Sierra Leone on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 ma MPL Arsenal 4 8 798393081697
2 sl FC Freetown #117439211175930
3 ne Koidu Town 34 33723921996235
4 sl Freetown #358391610133532
5sl FC Freetown #754391412134048
6sl Freetown #948391212152728
7sl FC Makeni46391016132939
8sl FC Freetown #44639137193958
9sl Freetown45391112163235
10sl FC Makeni #245391112164348
11ug Freetown #545391112163549
12sl Freetown #84439128192741
13sl Bo #23839108212753
14sl FC Koidu Town3039515191839