League of Tunisia season 10

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Tunisia on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 tn Tunis #3 5 310339334211318
2 tn J A C 4 61 6410039324310916
3 tn Tunis 1 7 510039324310115
4 tn Zarzis 6 77339234126248
5 tn Bardaw 161391710123135
6 tn Al-Qayrawan5639168154347
7tn Bizertin43391013162244
8tn Tunis #543391013162346
9tn Jendouba3339712201248
10tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq #23239711211955
11tn Siliana3139516181550
12tn Monastir2839416191653
13tn Tunis #22539510241772
14tn Al-Qasrayn243959251248