League of Tunisia season 12

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1 tn J A C 4 61 641153938102009
2 tn Tunis 1 7 510639351315611
3 tn Tunis #3 5 39239295512433
4 tn Zarzis 6 7843927399128
5 tn Tunis #56239195154858
6tn Bardaw 15939185166372
7tn Monastir5239157173052
8tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq #24339127202355
9tn Al-Qayrawan38391152358106
10tn Ettadhamen3539714182160
11tn Jendouba3339712202275
12tn Siliana2839610231787
13tn Al-Arianah1839462919117
14tn Bizertin1139253220129