League of Tunisia season 15

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1 tn J A C 4 63 661123937112338
2 tn Tunis 1 7 51103936212136
3 tn Zarzis 6 79439311716822
4 tn Tunis #3 5 39239302716927
5tn Bardaw 15639168156284
6tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq #252391410155092
7tn Qabis49391471848111
8tn Al-Qayrawan46391442158121
9tn Al-Mahdiyah43391110185098
10tn Monastir3539982248106
11tn Ettadhamen2939782442119
12tn Al-Qayrawan #22639752738163
13tn Monastir #22039552917114
14tn Al-Muknin1639372933158