League of Tunisia season 26

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1 tn Zarzis 6 71113936301999
2 tn J A C 4 61 6410639351316615
3 tn Tunis 1 7 510339341423013
4 tn Tunis #3 5 376392441110662
5 tn Al-Qayrawan5739176165483
6 tn Ettadhamen5439159156481
7 tn Tunis #249391471872108
8 tn Halq al-Wadi44391281952100
9tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq43391342255127
10tn Monastir333996242391
11tn Tunis #43239882352103
12tn Bizertin3139942642129
13tn Al-Qasrayn2439662731128
14tn Banzart2139633026123