League of Tunisia season 52

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1 tn J A C 4 59 621173939002443
2 tn Tunis 1 7 510839360320315
3 tn Al-Mahdiyah9539312613253
4 tn Zarzis 6 77439235119950
5 tn Siliana7239233136162
6 tn Monastir6239188136270
7 tn Sfax #249391310163668
8tn Al-Qasrayn3839911193071
9tn Qabis3639106234386
10tn CA Bizerte363999213589
11tn Al-Muknin2439662737134
12tn Sousse2339411241988
13tn Tunis #52339652850174
14tn FC Bozoum2139562819107