League of Tunisia season 7

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1 tn Tunis #3 5 310839353110821
2 tn J A C 4 63 6710639351314923
3 tn Tunis 1 7 5853926769552
4 tn Bardaw 15839184175554
5 tn Al-Qayrawan5339158165671
6 tn Tunis #446391016132640
7 tn Al-Mahdiyah46391210174064
8tn Al-Qasrayn4539129184564
9tn Qabis4439128193048
10tn Jendouba4339127202845
11tn Monastir4139118203054
12tn Bizertin3439810213667
13tn Zarzis 6 7283984273690
14tn Siliana2639317191657