League of Yemen season 10

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Yemen on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 ye FC Aden 19 1410639344110010
2 ye Sanaa 1 67939231067931
3 ye FC Sanaa #55539121984333
4ye The end of the world 3 25539167164751
5ye FC Hays54391412132928
6ye Sanaa #35339158163839
7ye FC Tais52391410152637
8ye Al-Mukha52391410153449
9ye FC Sanaa48391212153142
10ye Al-Hudaydah47391114143744
11ye Tais46391210173546
12ye Sanaa #43939109203565
13ye FC Al-Hudaydah3139710221952
14ye Khamr 1303979232349