Forum: Russian rss-feed

This is the general discussion forum for Russian. When you post in this forum you have to use this language. Posts in other languages may be removed without notice. This forum uses subsections for posts with different topics or purposes. Please posts bugs in the bugs section and take some time to figure out where other posts should go.

Russian >> Questions

If you don't understand something in the game, post it here. Please read the help first to see if your question is answered there.

TopicRepliesViewsLast post
Вопросы новичков.
By ru RealFlush >> saturday may 14 - 09:08
1176623friday december 27 2019 - 05:54
??????? ???????
By ru CHESHIR >> saturday october 19 - 21:27
20513114saturday march 5 2016 - 16:31