Simón Gabino: Employment

37pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [4.4]3028110
36pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [4.1]3034200
35pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [3.1]3019010
34pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [3.1]2818000
33pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [3.1]3032110
32pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [2]2615110
31pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [2]3029210
30pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [2]3118030
29pe Ica #2pe League of Peru [2]3017410
28pe Ica #2pe League of Peru465000
27pe Ica #2pe League of Peru343010
26pe Ica #2pe League of Peru21000


DateFrom teamTo teamTransfer fee

This player was created on saturday october 8 - 16:53 by pe percy rivero as a starters bonus.