FC Mana #5 gf

Player statistics

1br Olívio Lage2620000
2gf Matthieu Flotard2520010
3gf Philippe Chartier2820000
4gf Marco Quintela2320000
5fr Georges Gantois2620001
6gf Zhong Au2620000
7br César Braga2221000
8gf Gerard Mateau2220000
9cm Mahamoud Dibango2420000
10gf José Manuel Morata2320010
11gf Henri Celant2310000
12gf Carlo Guivarch2310001
13gf Nílton Fonseca2611000
14gf Élio Calçada2710002
15gf César Feitor2210000
16gf Gaël Merrien2010001

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.