L'Aquila it

Manager log

december 15 2023 - 13:01it OldBoar resigned his function as manager.
december 15 2023 - 12:59it OldBoar was appointed as new manager.
june 19 2020 - 00:03it Nicola Basso was fired as manager.
june 4 2020 - 14:06it Nicola Basso was appointed as new manager.
may 28 2020 - 00:03it Livio Matiz was fired as manager.
may 12 2020 - 20:18it Livio Matiz was appointed as new manager.
february 12 2017 - 00:14mt zio_pey resigned his function as manager.
february 12 2017 - 00:14Cooperation with parent club ended.
february 9 2017 - 06:43mt zio_pey was appointed as new manager.
february 9 2017 - 06:43This club became a satellite club of mt FC Fgura
august 24 2016 - 08:45it Domenico resigned his function as manager.
august 21 2016 - 11:25The club was renamed to "Sugarfree Birds".
august 21 2016 - 11:25it Domenico was appointed as new manager.
july 13 2016 - 00:05it Niccolò Radi was fired as manager.
june 7 2016 - 19:29it Niccolò Radi was appointed as new manager.
may 3 2016 - 02:02ro Dorin73 offline resigned his function as manager.
may 3 2016 - 02:02ro Dorin73 offline was appointed as new manager.
march 1 2016 - 08:25ro Dorin73 offline resigned his function as manager.
february 29 2016 - 09:03The club was renamed to "FC DONAU BRAILA".
february 29 2016 - 09:01ro Dorin73 offline was appointed as new manager.
october 17 2015 - 03:55cn ttro resigned his function as manager.
october 17 2015 - 03:53cn ttro was appointed as new manager.
june 18 2013 - 22:02es Cuervo resigned his function as manager.
april 8 2013 - 11:07The club was renamed to "Carcoma de turin".
april 8 2013 - 11:05es Cuervo was appointed as new manager.