Naples #6 it

Player statistics

1it Guglielmo Misiano2841230011
2it Seif Akhtoy2739929132036
3it Emanuele Zeffirelli2736771013
4it Guido Miglioli25353156904
5it Samuel Roselli27335977026
6it Marino Carcas26325541033
7it Pasquale Orioli2631592014
8it Filip Axinciuc25314161013
9it Clemente Vincenti25302801201
10dm Morgan Chamberlain673020004
11pt William Nolasco6228812152066
12de Udo Knobelsdorff61286178305
13mz Ronaldo Henriques7628100561
14bg Mitko Mihtarski642751003
15es Lautaro Vera29272001032
16gp Joel Bizet61252233704
17it Mariano Ciasca2425016304
18it Ahmed Panemerit232432805
19rs Janča Majstorović8524000640
20lu Valentin Eparvier652301469041
21eng Ethan Stapely9022800451
22it Jesper Carcas292253999063
23bf Patrice Pensec672221100027
24br Edgar Paião672161002
25ch Noël Chatellain662070002
26gh Odon Sané7320500331
27cn Zhang Zhao6719779003
28st Fabiano Ramos80192665018
29lt Nojus Noreika7719195017
30es Chema Calatrava24189167609
31gr Narkis Meletoglou67187057026
32mo Yi-xiao Xin8017700550
33at Arne Schreffler8317600024
34de Özcan Küçük691680007
35tr Ata Ermis8516000020
36ye Okba El Sohafy6715651100
37it Clemente Pozzi2515128402
38do Teodoro Sanjurjo8014834116026
39it Ippolito Gotti2814500102
40es Hugo Sequerra811411680042
41pl Wojciech Hornik701390003
42bo Mauricio Tepezano781391251000
43be Leander Tillman7913651013
44fi George Laukka741350003
45bn Washif Amadi8213571203
46gr Kostas Fotopoulos8113100022
47gw Greyne Diadhiou80130123300
48it Tito Perpoli7512875407
49pl Radosław Rogula74125116007
50lv Ernests Runcis741240002

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.