League of Italy season 39 [5.5]

Goals scored

pt L. Batistait AC Rome #255438
pt F. Gasparit Modica FC4938
br I. Claroit AS Ercolano4242
ad J. Catellierit AC leonessa4134
es R. Almudenait AC leonessa3535
jo A. Mzoudiit AS Rome3438
pt A. Batistait Forlì #23338
bd I. Jalaliit AS Ercolano2833
sm M. D'Eliait AS Vicenza #32740
it L. Corbelliit Modica FC2631


sm F. Castellaniit AS Ercolano5038
sm P. Chechiit Modica FC3536
it T. Barrachinait AC leonessa3033
pt A. Vilarinhoit AC Rome #252633
eng M. Vaneckoit AC Rome #252434
it V. Stufiit Forlì #22237
it P. Aragazziit AS Vigevano1734
it O. Sânmărteanit Trani1735
it E. Pirovanoit Forlì #21632
es A. Covarrubiait AS Rome1636

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
es S. Zambranoit AS Vicenza #32140
es V. Luzaniait Modica FC1638
it E. Togniit Trani1438
ar U. Villacarlosit Pescara FC1136
it G. Emilianiit Pescara FC1138
sm M. Pagliucait Udine1138
es F. Bricenosit Cinisello Balsamo FC1138
it E. Sennedjemit Udine1138
sm P. Mattottiit AS Ercolano1139
es K. Rodilesit AS Vicenza #31016

Number of yellow cards

hr B. Jerkovićit AS Turin1732
es T. Ballardoit Trani1634
it M. Elhyaniit AC Florence1529
pt K. Tevesit Quartu Sant'Elena #21532
es J. Moncibaizit Trani1533
sk L. Polákit AC Rome #71533
it E. Pirovanoit Forlì #21432
af B. Ederyit Cinisello Balsamo FC1434
it C. Mantovaniit AC Naples #81331
es S. Lara Ojedait AS Brescia #31235

Number of red cards

es V. Garfiasit AS Vicenza #3229
es P. Palancait Pescara FC234
fr A. Lemonnierit AS Rome119
pt U. Canhãoit AS Ercolano128
es M. Karankait AS Vigevano128
pt J. Mortáguait AC Brescia #4130
it E. Pirovanoit Forlì #2132
it S. Balleriniit Cinisello Balsamo FC132
cz J. Hajekit Modica FC133
es L. Escarcegait Trani133

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
it V. Biondiniit Cinisello Balsamo FC438
it M. Donnarummait AC Naples #8338
at H. Spielmanit AC Florence338
pt L. Júdiceit Quartu Sant'Elena #2233
rs S. Madićit AS Brescia #3236
pt S. Lessait AS Salerno #3237
sm J. Lavagneit Quartu Sant'Elena #2238
it D. Capobiancoit AS Vigevano238
es V. Garzesit Trani114
pt L. Pedrosoit AC Brescia #4123