League of Wales season 42

Goals scored

tr M. Beşokwal Garfield Tigers7534
sk H. Kaliskywal FC Newport #27034
pal K. Mhelywal YNWA_Sibyl 915325
wal J. Longmanwal FC Swansea5334
gh D. Awerewal FC Neath5031
fr F. Lapassetwal FC Llanelli #25034
lb T. Mehdrowal FC Port Talbot4734
hr V. Savićwal Garfield Tigers4633
cn X. Maowal FC Newport #24634
gib M. Queipowal FC Penarth4133


ki U. Onguglowal Garfield Tigers5430
cn N. Panwal Garfield Tigers4534
wal A. Sherwoodwal FC Swansea4130
wal G. Matthesswal YNWA_Sibyl 913624
ar V. Villarinowal FC Neath3431
fi S. Narhiwal FC Newport #23332
ao D. Katyauripowal FC Llanelli #22330
lv P. Kuļikovskiswal FC Penarth2332
ee M. Klasenwal FC Newport #22333
nc A. Colletwal YNWA_Sibyl 912220

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
bg K. Tsvetkovwal Garfield Tigers2730
au A. Pepperellwal FC Neath2231
wal G. Flowerwal FC Swansea2027
wal S. Adderleywal FC Newport #21934
wal L. Langfordwal FC Swansea1820
mm R. Muqtedarwal FC Port Talbot1733
wal M. Sislerwal YNWA_Sibyl 911420
so B. Limowal YNWA_Sibyl 911119
lv V. Ignatjevswal FC Llanelli #21020
tr B. Halilwal FC Penarth933

Number of yellow cards

sl M. Grenetwal FC Cardiff #31531
ee G. Järvelaidwal FC Penarth1229
eng J. Tuckermanwal FC Cardiff #51128
fo M. Plougwal FC Maesteg1130
eng E. Melewal FC Rhyl1131
wal T. Blandfordwal FC Cardiff #31133
wal M. McCorkhillwal FC Maesteg1028
us D. Cotterwal FC Merthyr Tydfil1031
eng H. Damerellwal FC Rhyl1031
gib E. Gallanowal FC Maesteg1031

Number of red cards

eng D. Lauragewal FC Cardiff #5221
zw M. Kaitewal FC Swansea #3225
eng V. Caithnesswal FC Cardiff #5231
tg G. Raméwal FC Port Talbot118
eng A. Henkinswal FC Rhyl127
eng J. Tuckermanwal FC Cardiff #5128
gn H. Fassawal FC Bridgend128
fo M. Plougwal FC Maesteg130
ao D. Katyauripowal FC Llanelli #2130
nir C. Cagneywal FC Pontypridd131

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
eng J. Lemmonwal FC Rhyl #2334
it M. Magnantiwal FC Merthyr Tydfil336
in H. Yamniwal FC Penarth229
hk W. Cwal FC Newport #2231
eng P. Folswal FC Swansea #3233
sco H. Smalewal FC Bridgend233
wal R. Cotterwal Briton Ferry117
wal C. Lemleywal FC Penarth113
eng R. Crewswal FC Rhyl #2131
fo M. Michelsenwal FC Bridgend131