NK Zagreb #11 hr

Player statistics

1kos Serafim Begić636591010114
2hu Kornél Orsós5962452036025
3hr Miljenko Maček6255760055
4hr Leopold Šarić7753230048
5si Matic Fabjan6553012750129
6hu Zoltán Szitás33450511230142
7gp Willian Arrau77448221700133
8nl Rudi Vallendunk69435111030115
9gr Kronos Tsoni73423110031
10hr Dobrilo Grahovac76422344099
11hu Csaba Szőke3541450016
12hr Paulo Stepinac334131190167
13ro Cristian Vălăreanu67396391600155
14hr Silvijo Perić753952228011
15ro Codruţ Bordescu6938600284
16nl Klaas Jan Manus7438600342
17hu Marcell Diószeghy663671651406
18gp Marcus Efaw763422499017
19hu Zoltán Kürtösi7332729140089
20tt Renārs Rencis273212191506
21hr Renato Soldo28318524079
22hr Toma Jović32312215072
23hu Sándor Józsa673012082807
24it Vittore Brandi7727130023
25bs Dave Young76271134055
26hu Norbert Gál6925689609
27ro Sorin Hoblea301930007
28si Rene Ivančič63175188907
29so Virgilio Calaiò70175277602
30hr Igor Jelavić3016600025
31hr Renato Kekez2715300230
32si Matej Popović2415300411
33hr Matej Samardžić7515347104
34hr Mile Šestak28144172010
35hr Krsto Savić7212902021
36hu Roland Dózsa2510802022
37gr Khristos Psixomanis769800150
38hr Franjo Paranos289110415
39de Sergio Consiglio23783454018
40cz Filip Durdik66770001
41bs Chad Summerbee7777210014
42hr Valentino Gavran74680003
43se Rune Rozelle70680004
44hr Mirko Lukač32670005
45hu Roland Zsoldos61670005
46hr Lazar Pejić284600014
47ro Paul Roşianu58353062013
48aw Rick Haacke60340000
49bg Leo Messi603423105
50rs Spira Igić67330004

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.