Kocaelispor tr

Player statistics

1re Bharat Mayappan HOF688070032810
2mo Wei-quo Liu HOF71522002730
3tr Serkan Bayramoglu6052112046
4tr Mehmet Mersinli59512462580120
5gy Mauro Jesus82504002085
6tr Rustu Meriç5948400023
7tr Hizir Türk6048410025
8tr Aykut Kerimoglu67462471390102
9tr Doğu Öykü7244191760104
10tr Salih Sancar6844022025
11wal Ross Penfold7142312028
12tm Gokdeniz Firat8142141020
13tw Sun-wei Thien6141910017
14tm Burhan Subay HOF57416370807
15tr Kutlay Nihat614122791013
16kos Ramiz Murati6040018221062
17ws Mirani Obaneso753900005
18tr Mirsad Uyar6537521029
19tc Will Slaubaugh753681008
20ch David de Toeni66353140307
21pl Maksymilian Toczko733354107061
22br Egas Pires673342205062
23cn Chun-hua Hui74326125019
24vi Matthew Wheelwright6732600023
25ir Saeed Shahriari6632310018
26zm Cristian Pistone7531411012
27eg Daw Ouaziz762751272010
28tm Volkan Tarancı332513503
29mv Dharmendra Ranganath71245158305
30vg Sean Cockerell32ng Donfaith fc238173212031
31ca Lucien Herbard7623010010
32sc Ross Hudson72222110005
33nc Wan-fang Ming33it FC Empoli2212501
34au Nick Verga33mx MXL Marin219149244027
35sa Ferhat Neferyu83213121202
36at Friedrich Bierman8321210011
37aw Orlando Castelao33nl Pims Toupetje2090002
38sa Sri Namrata33mx MXL Shandong Jinan19644302
39jo Mun Moussa81194122403
40cn Lao-sheng Xue32mx MXL Xicuahua18954803
41bf Offin Aliyu32au Numb1891702
42ng Adom Ibarbia7818998003
43tj Forood Moini33hu Szirmai Világos1822764404
44bm Dimas Leão61181038086
45tr Ekrem Ögûtmen69178129005
46dk Nikolai Molnar7817200710
47mt Perry Simons7717144105
48gh Wole Badgi81171880011
49mn Edigey Saihan34bt Swindon Town FC16100952
50sc Ramesh Sahadev36lv FC Liepaja1552503407

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.