Matthieu Lecouvé

Matthieu Lecouvé is a midfielder from Burkina Faso on Rocking Soccer: The intelligent free online football manager game

NationalityBurkina Faso bf
Age38year, 14weeks (48%)
Special attributesIntelligent
Gets 1 ball bonus on tactics. Easier to train more than one trainable special attribute.

Fast learner
Gets the full XP in 75% of the number of matches. (eg. 15*667 xp instead of 20*500 for league matches)

Player gets 0.5 ball passing bonus, other players are more likely to pass to him. Is more likely to pass the ball when he has it.

Set pieces specialist
Player gets 1 ball passing-bonus, or can use blocking, dueling or scoring when taking a corner or free-kick.
Staff profilebf Matthieu Lecouvé
Transfer status
Players with a transfer status are shown in a separate table under the transfer list in the scout office. If a player is available for transfer other managers can make enquiries for at least 80% of the market value of the player. If the player is marked as "not needed by club" then other managers can make enquiries for 33% of the market value. All enquiries must be manually accepted before the player is put on the transfer list.
Not needed by club