Yesterday - 09:27 | FC Sofia #36 | 3-1 | FC Sliven #2 | 0 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
thursday january 2 - 13:38 | FC Sliven #2 | 3-4 | FC Sevlievo | 0 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
wednesday january 1 - 01:48 | FC Dunavtsi | 4-2 | FC Sliven #2 | 0 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
tuesday december 31 - 13:20 | FC Sliven #2 | 3-3 | FC Sliven #8 | 1 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
monday december 30 - 13:31 | FC Sliven #2 | 4-2 | FC Sofia #25 | 3 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
sunday december 29 - 06:48 | FC Sofia #5 | 2-0 | FC Sliven #2 | 0 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
saturday december 28 - 11:22 | FC Sumen 1975 | 5-0 | FC Sliven #2 | 0 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
friday december 27 - 13:47 | FC Sliven #2 | 2-2 | FC Plovdiv #10 | 1 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
thursday december 26 - 05:32 | FC Bata | 1-1 | FC Sliven #2 | 1 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |
tuesday december 24 - 13:44 | FC Sliven #2 | 2-0 | FC Sliven #7 | 3 | League of Bulgaria [3.1] |