FC Badou #3 tg

Manager log

october 10 2018 - 23:22ru Ebitimi offline resigned his function as manager.
october 9 2018 - 09:54The club was renamed to "Oluwatobi Fc".
october 9 2018 - 09:51ru Ebitimi offline was appointed as new manager.
december 11 2017 - 00:10pl Janusz was fired as manager.
november 5 2017 - 10:05pl Janusz was appointed as new manager.
april 29 2017 - 03:02cn 江洪明 resigned his function as manager.
april 29 2017 - 02:37The club was renamed to "Badou".
april 29 2017 - 02:36cn 江洪明 was appointed as new manager.