FC Llandudno Bay wal

Manager log

july 4 2023 - 21:20The club was renamed to "FC Llandudno Bay".
july 4 2023 - 21:18pl Atluck was appointed as new manager.
july 4 2023 - 21:18This club became a satellite club of pl Kot Harold
august 15 2022 - 00:05wal abbeynlh was fired as manager.
july 9 2022 - 07:31The club was renamed to "Abbey FC".
july 9 2022 - 07:29wal abbeynlh was appointed as new manager.
june 19 2022 - 00:11wal Humpty was fired as manager.
june 4 2022 - 23:32wal Humpty was appointed as new manager.
september 24 2019 - 12:06cn gugu116 offline resigned his function as manager.
august 27 2019 - 06:31The club was renamed to "Flowers and Cats Rolling".
august 27 2019 - 03:24cn gugu116 offline was appointed as new manager.
august 14 2019 - 05:03eng de_fayyz resigned his function as manager.
may 17 2019 - 00:05The club was renamed to "Asmyne FC".
may 16 2019 - 23:59eng de_fayyz was appointed as new manager.
august 7 2015 - 07:22wal Vuacanpha resigned his function as manager.
august 7 2015 - 07:22wal Vuacanpha was appointed as new manager.
july 28 2015 - 09:38ro Nycu resigned his function as manager.
july 28 2015 - 09:38ro Nycu was appointed as new manager.
july 4 2015 - 07:17vn Hungvp resigned his function as manager.
july 4 2015 - 07:17vn Hungvp was appointed as new manager.
april 3 2014 - 15:11vn Chiyeuminhem resigned his function as manager.
march 5 2014 - 06:20The club was renamed to "FC chem chuoi".
march 5 2014 - 06:18vn Chiyeuminhem was appointed as new manager.
november 17 2013 - 16:02us 闪电侠 resigned his function as manager.
november 13 2013 - 10:41The club was renamed to "Cardiff".

This team was originally called "FC Llanelli"