nowa huta pl

Player statistics

1il Eitan Backer84526001303
2al Azem Simaku754309220057
3cu Juan Carlos Señor70400334041
4bn Chakakirti Nitisastro723803093023
5pl Kevin Chrobak7537710021
6pl Adam Ernst6237416130083
7it Cristian Rivera80365181101
8ga Kyereti Mamoepa7335932012
9gh Wole Tubman6734176003
10ci Antoine Derriaz783386143057
11nz Landon Neylon673331789038
12tr Nuri Topuz7332600014
13pl Jan Derda6932600020
14cn Yeow-whye Chan68319184035
15uz Yaroslav Arustamov733130004
16ss Sammar Lugassy742980004
17pl Tadeusz Drzymalski6529800022
18pl Wiliam Głowala31276811049
19kos Shaban Kula61276546073
20pl Patryk Wolnicki302741318037
21gm Fola Mboup78268154206
22pl Dariusz Muras6825610115
23pl Piotr Miara6924300442
24pl Manuel Gwizdała6824177203
25eng Lewis Priddy7921350010
26pl Roger Siebert302051625061
27pl Romuald Cichoński291991119043
28us Scott Fairchild75199184041
29bj Nwan Batakan76198113013
30tw An-yi Xiu7919500010
31pl Adalbert Walicki6619048001
32pl January Perz651891006
33pl Jacek Gackowski25142491006
34bn Wijaya Subandrio8812700272
35pl Wiliam Zatoń24113404016
36pl Donald Gromada3010731020
37pl Bernard Jaworek3110663028
38pl Arnold Piegza24105185037
39pl Dragomir Dalecki27981011038
40pl Oliwier Pielak298563025
41pl Rafał Kasza317500100
42pl Tomasz Bukalski217240014
43pl Janusz Michna727226003
44bs Jamie Drewitt764710012
45it Vitale Avanzi614317002
46pl Aleksander Dubowski26420012
47cn Hsi-chuen Tseng7642018015
48pl Aleksy Bruski2838310033
49pl Edmund Otocki21352106
50pl Aleksy Dzieniszewski18341008

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.