Havana #10 cu

Player statistics

1ky Sebastian Holliday77547130061
2eng Joel Macey7551360037
3ws Kerika Latu74512120042
4bs Euan Fewer715092184089
5cu Mario Derobles60495612490206
6ky Bobby Gooden6349190052
7cu Domingo Tarula6348300330
8sr Trevor Stonebreaker6646825215030
9jm Stuart Malcolm75433441790160
10cu Jordi Miedes354282291092
11cu Álex Choza3341812410158
12cu Diego Angeles3440310016
13tt Ion Barbado6540160052
14bs Nigel Lanham62395432041
15jm Gregory Crowther6038718712019
16jm Connor Leicester333761908021
17cu Gabriel Correa8035300691
18bs Dick Lascelles7034216714020
19es Jacinto Burrieza722991609015
20cu Sandro Currea3429651707
21cu Arturo Coceres35280013053
22de Gert Leicke8327849151067
23bs Alun Boring312776003
24cu Barry Ewell2827241044
25ky Justin Cochran7327260021
26cu Guido Cisma32230110055
27cu Alfredo Azcárraga291622006
28cu Natalio Veca7015310015
29cu Constantino Carletta2715100022
30cu Ignasi Allande3013613029
31bs Jarrod Stapely68135449054
32bs Warren Hardy761341149048
33jm Shane Cozart231190000
34cu Ángel Villalbazo74111850020
35jm Patrick Wetherell731032179030
36cu Luis Enrique Contero278604010
37cu Félix Busted226000171
38cu Cullen Downes64510007
39cu Axel Libelula23502100
40cu Emanuel Daimiel334710014
41cu Kevin Donlucas30440003
42cu Simón Icoaga27421008
43cu Rodrigo Valderon32350008
44ar Tabaré Floratos31340009
45ck Kepagane Maba18bm Zaku UT3200150
46cu José María Alaman24ng Sonicstar fc320000
47cu Fernán Caña36lb Tyre #2320001
48bm Otis McCann41320005
49vi Liam Strong24310001
50bm Trevor Asbury31us Dallas #43115001

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.