Sliema #2 mt

Player statistics

1gib Laurêncio Gusmão5975020014
2hk Sheung Kwong6162244121013
3ma Jibran Frhat62583121063
4lc Miles Rutter61567512000133
5it Giona Paschini37516001352
6es Ion Herrada77490120035
7es Tabaré Iturriaga7748250054
8mt Elliot Surridge344808370142
9es Chema Moreyra71463001220
10mt Semni Abodana3246110080
11li Christoph Geswein76445211200132
12ng Jean-Luc Boly6443650039
13mx Miguel Ángel Tirre3142320013
14mt Sébastien Cherbourg6339618740113
15mt Burhan Doumi34378611096
16mt Mauro Crusato64367469074
17pt Dário Diegues7836680032
18mx Ángel Cigar61358369081
19it Gaetano Pizzolato703331294082
20bg Zvezdislav Stefanov313300009
21ml Senghor Barro7131210025
22mt Rhys Griese3229330062
23mt Tobia Manuzzi6429260050
24mt Marcello Giannoni29263243014
25sm Pasquale Antonoli782532531103
26es Mateo Monegro7525210015
27vn Hà Dương662472102075
28mt Clemente Boazza2623903041
29it Valerio Pantoliano74235110042
30ba Hrvoje Lacić7821727107041
31it Gianpaolo Questi26210144405
32mt Jordan O'Meara6619669300
33it Liang-hsi Xiao3418300321
34nl Mathijs Banckert72182106404
35mt Jack Hirn2618021020
36sm Mario Rosti271762591036
37mt Timothy Boutron66174014028
38az Muzzammil Seif79154338047
39tv Ninji Soamoa8113600221
40es Antón Lozana76122748031
41mt Alfredo Beccari2411910021
42vi Connor McBean741112009
43ba Vedran Ilić778429004
44mt Mokhtar Al Effendi226000010
45mt Paul-Mathieu Leger25440009
46es Ignasi Cuento21si Izola fc438001
47mt Yuba Boulak26411205
48ad Cyrille Cleach21ad FC Virgen del Coro3912201
49hk Sek Cheong34cn Mianyang #2370001
50mt Valter Ardizzone65370407

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.